Buy Ayoola Foods Poundo Yam Flour 1.8 kg on If you havent eaten it at least once in a week in Nigeria, then you may need to verify that youre actually in Nigeria. Its a top option in homes, at restaurants and street-side food vendors whether its pounded, fried, porridge, pottage, chips or with egg it is everywhere; its a Nigerian staple. For those that dont know how to make pounded yam food, they settle for poundo. To make it, you first need to where to buy a good tuber, them get them boiled before you start pounding. Many non-Nigerians often ask themselves what is pounded yam made of. Well, its simple like the name implies, it is a tuber that has been pounded. There is a big difference between the real thing and poundo. So when youre at a restaurant, be sure to clarify before your order. If you want to know how the price, all you have to do is check online on